Innovation project: MoTeNa

Modern technology for sustainability management for SMEs in logistics

Modern technology for sustainability management for SMEsin logistics

Since this year, large companies have been obliged to publish a report on how their business model affects their sustainability. And how external sustainability factors (such as climate change or human rights issues) influence their activities. Medium-sized and small companies will also have to optimize and document their environmental performance in the coming years. The EU’s CSRD Directive (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) is forcing them to do so. This is because companies that do not demonstrably improve their carbon footprint will have to pay a fine in future. Logistics service providers (SMEs) are already being held accountable by the big players.

SMEs often find it difficult to utilise modern digital technologies. This also applies to the logistics sector in NRW. There is great untapped potential here for the goal of reducing CO2 emissions. But there are also many innovative solutions: modern sensor technology, digital technology for bundling transports, the use of artificial intelligence, better networking of different modes of transport. These are just a few examples.

Aim of the innovation project

In the MoTeNa innovation project, we therefore want to develop and test technical solutions in a practical manner and at a high digital level. In this way, we want to support haulage companies (SMEs) in NRW in implementing the EU directive: Firstly, logistics service providers should significantly reduce their CO2 emissions with the help of modern technology. Due to increasing EU regulatory requirements, this is also becoming more and more economically advantageous for companies. Secondly, logistics companies need technical and organisational support in implementing sustainability reporting. We also want to develop this in the innovation project.

We are delighted to be working on this innovation project with the following partners:

The University of Duisburg-Essen, Prof. Dr Noche (Transport Systems and Logistics) is coordinating the EFRE joint project. Partners are Verband Spedition und Logistik (VSL) and the company Stahl-Express Franke in Düsseldorf.

Testing in practice

To test our newly developed solutions, we are looking for logistics companies that we can accompany on their way to sustainability reporting and emission reduction.
If you are curious, we are at your disposal as a contact partner.
We are pleased to share further information and answer questions.

Be part of it and fulfil the EU CSRD Directive in good time.

Tanja Kernjak

Account Manager

Phone: +49 160 99029606