Industrial engineering can be an art.
Factory and logistics planning as a creative process
Mastering digital engineering | Factory and logistics planning as a creative process
Engineering the design of value chains and logistics can be an art.
To achieve this, however, factory and logistics planning must be understood as a creative process.
We at SDZ have found our passion precisely in this.
Planning and simulation software are the tools we use to design processes.
We develop customized solutions for factory and logistics planning – adapted to the wide range of requirements of our customers.

From materials handling technology to intralogistics concepts
We therefore see the design of logistics and production as a creative process.
Our perspective ranges from the smallest unit of a factory – the individual machine – to the scale of the entire intralogistics concept.
For us, it is important to consider all relevant influencing factors within intralogistics.
What is the throughput like?
In which conditions can a better throughput be achieved?
How does this improvement influence the further production process and is the end result desirable?
These are all questions whose answers will lead us to a sustainable and long-term profitable factory concept.
Of course, designing an entire production involves detailed questions.
Thanks to our skilled employees and more than 35 years of experience in factory and logistics planning, we can view the challenges of the industry as solvable puzzles.
In combination with our in-house software solutions and logistics simulations, we have the tools we need to create innovation.
Together with you – for now and the future!
Welcome to SDZ | This is Engineering
- Supply Network Design
- Using interdisciplinary expertise for technology & digitalization
- Alignment for flexible adaptation to future markets
- Identification of the necessary degree of automation
- Design plant structure & flow of goods
- Planning material flow & warehouse logistics
- Calculate scenarios & business cases (what if?)
- Allow & use digitalization

Tanja Kernjak
Account Manager
Phone: +49 160 99029606